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Whatever ails you, we can help. We offer a variety of modalities in order to provide relief for physical, mental, and emotional complaints, acute and chronic health issues, and side effects from conventional medical treatments.


Acupuncture has been scientifically proven to treat a variety of diseases and conditions, including physical pain, nausea, stress, insomnia, digestive complaints, trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and many others. Acupuncture involves the painless insertion of tiny, sterile, single-use needles to stimulate specific parts of the body associated with healing.

Acupuncture reduces inflammation, stimulates blood flow, and relaxes the patient to facilitate healing. It is one of several modalities that make up what we know as Chinese medicine.

More detailed information is available under the “Treatments” tab above.


Herbal medicine is the diagnosis and treatment of disease with organic ingredients. Transcend Health and Wellness uses clinically proven, safe, organic herbs from reputable sources. Treatment involves a diagnosis based on a detailed health history, followed by a highly personalized prescription of a customized herbal formulation in the format the patient finds most convenient.

More detailed information is available under the “Treatments” tab above.


Amino Acid Therapy is a nutritional and supplement approach to chronic mental and emotional challenges such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, insomnia, irritability, low energy, drug and alcohol recovery support, and others, as well as a holistic alternative to psychiatric medications. Treatment involves a detailed health history and intake in order to identify which neurotransmitters may be deficient or out of balance, and then a prescription of specific supplements that serve as precursors for the body to build more of the neurochemicals it needs to function healthily.

More detailed information is available under the “Treatments” tab above.


The vast majority of illnesses result from poor diet including the nutritional quality of the food we eat, as well as eating habits and patterns. At Transcend Health and Wellness, we work with patients to assess their current diet, and help them develop the most actionable and effective nutritional plan that helps clients meet their wellness goals.

More detailed information is available under the “Treatments” tab above.


Many of our chronic health conditions have their root in our relationship to life — how we live it, how we feel about it, our beliefs, our stress levels, how we react to challenging situations, process grief and so on. We assess what behaviors and attitudes are not serving you and develop a personalized treatment plan to let them go and gain new, positive approaches.

More detailed information is available under the “Treatments” tab above.

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