What is acupuncture?
How does acupuncture work?
How Acupuncture affects the body at different Levels
Some Research Meta-analyses
What happens when an acupuncture needle is inserted?
How often should I get treated?
Effects of Acupuncture
Different Levels of the Body
Spinal Segment Effects
Neuromuscular Junction Effects:
The neuromuscular junction is the area in the body where neurons interact with muscles. Acupuncture here can re-sets myospasms and therefore release muscles from static tension. It also stimulates internal healing mechanisms through the release of local neuropeptides and re-establishing homeostasis of the muscles.
Endogenous Opioid Circuit
Another neurophysiological mechanism of acupuncture is that it stimulates the body to produce more of its own natural pain reducing chemicals. Our body's own pain reducing function operates by releasing chemicals called endogenous (“originating inside”) opioids which attach to receptors and therefore inhibit the transmission of pain signals.
Exogenous Opiates
Exogenous (“originating outside”) opioids--such as opioid medications-- lead to abnormal messaging and physical changes as a result of neuroplasticity. This leads to higher tolerance of opioid medications and the potential for addiction. We can rehabilitate opiate patients by stimulating the endogenous opioid circuit, which activates nerve cells normally with natural neurotransmitters. Research on acupuncture and addressing the opioid crisis can be found under the research downloads tab above.