In Chinese medicine, health and wellbeing is measured by how closely our lives are aligned to the rhythms of the world, such as honoring the normal and predictable cycles in, and stages of life. Furthermore, this medicine makes no distinction between emotional and physical health—in addition to having healthy physical self-care practices in our lives, we need strategies to effectively digest our stress so we are free to make the choice moment to moment to live our most authentic self.
At Transcend Health and Wellness, we seek to support you in developing the tools to achieve our namesake—to transcend simply being healthy or well, and live as your most vibrant and joyful self at each stage of your life.
More focus and ability to choose your attitude and consequently, your choices and actions
A greater sense of calm and emotional balance, less reactivity
Feeling less rushed even amidst lots of life activity
Deeper capacity to be present in your life, and for the the ones you love
Awareness of the beliefs that support you or hold you back, shifting long standing patterns and habits